Thu, Nov 19, 1998
by Charles Clough
Duration: 1 hr 13 mins 56 secs
The confrontation with the King. God reveals the hearts of men through their response to the person of Christ. The revelation of Jesus Christ is God’s highest revelation to the human race. Jesus argued that He was self-authenticating, that because He said it, it was true. Rebellion against God blinds you, deafens you, and hardens your heart. How the pagan world was prepared for the arrival of the Son of God. God has a plan that includes every molecule and every action of every molecule in human history. Questions and answers.
Thu, Dec 10, 1998
by Charles Clough
Duration: 1 hr 8 mins 29 secs
“The fullness of time” means that the Gentiles and the Jews had enough exposure that there was no excuse for misidentifying Jesus Christ. Recognizing Jesus Christ as the Messiah is both an individual and a national (Israel) decision. The nature and method of Christ’s presentation during His incarnation. Five reasons Jesus Christ was crucified. Jewish reasons for rejecting Jesus Christ. Reasons modern Jews reject Jesus Christ as the Messiah. Whenever you have a weak Christology, you have a strong state. Gentile reasons for rejecting Jesus Christ. Questions and answers.