In This Issue
• Ministry Updates

Pre-Trib Conference
December 4-6, 2017
Paper Presentation: “How Corrupted Science Produces False Eschatology: A Look at the So-Called Climate Crisis”
Bayside Community Church
Guest speaker February 18, 2018 3333 Bayshore Blvd Tampa, FL 33629
Adult Sunday School 10 AM Worship Service 11 AM
More Info
Chafer Seminary Pastors’ Conference
March 12-14, 2018
West Houston Bible Church 1500 W Sam Houston Pkwy N Ste 104 Houston, TX 77043 · (713) 468-0900
Short briefing on Chafer Seminary’s new program and will host a Q & A session about this program for those attending.
Prayer Requests
(1) For the students finishing up the “Framework 1’ course at Chafer Seminary during the next month;
(2) to finally get started editing the 1 John series for posting on the website as a New Testament companion to the Old Testament book of Deuteronomy;
(3) for the ladies preparing Framework aids for training within the family;
(4) for successful upgrade to the BFM website; and
(5) upcoming presentations and the reception of teaching by the attendees.

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Quarter 4 — 2017
We have some encouraging news for all users of the BFM website. Due to increased use of the site’s downloading capabilities people have recently experienced a frustrating series of site “crashes”—especially in the evening hours when they have time to use it.
The entire website is being redesigned and upgraded by our Houston team. We hope to have the new website operational shortly after the New Year. It will be better organized and have new search capabilities and other enhancements, including some of the missing Framework lessons.
By the summer of 2018 I will have taught the Framework Course four times in person through Chafer Theological Seminary. Each time I have different students with different backgrounds who teach me how better to communicate the key truths of the Bible’s framework of revelation. I hope to parlay the lessons I have learned through this experience as I compose the previously unpublished “Section 1” which will explain the rationale of the framework approach and how it can strengthen one’s faith in the veracity of the Word of God. That is increasingly important as we face more widespread deception in our culture.
Due to some personal financial stresses this year, I have not been able to donate all my honoraria that I receive for my speaking engagements to Biblical Framework Ministries as I customarily have done. This has had a noticeable effect on the ministry’s income for the year. Please pray that the Lord will make up for this decreased income to BFM so that we can continue improving the ministry.
For those who uphold us in prayer and spreading news of our ministry, thank you for enabling us to encourage believers in the veracity of God’s Word. Each month we receive notes and emails from believers who have benefitted from this ministry. Recently, a Christian mother wrote this:
“I am 65. Two years ago, my 43 year old son introduced me to one Bible framework lesson. . . . I immediately recognized the sovereign truth of what was being taught and had to obtain the course as soon as possible, which I did. Oh how I wish I had this available to me years ago when I was 43! These have become weekly and sometimes daily lessons for me ever since I heard the first one.”
Sometimes in these notes and e-mails we read special thanksgiving for enabling folks to receive the materials without cost. Other times we are asked important questions that the teaching raises in their minds. I try to answer personally each one. It is the cumulative effect of these interactions that will shape future content of our materials.
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