New Website Launched First of all, thank you for your prayers on behalf of the new website. If you haven’t been to the Bible Framework website recently and seen the results of your prayers, now’s the time to take a visit and check out the new enhancements and Bible classes:
- There’s a new URL – (however your bookmarks that go to will still work)
- We’ve found audio tapes for some of the missing classes. Check out Lessons #63, 92, 103, and #177! More are coming soon …
- There’s a new search feature that searches all of the transcripts on the website for whatever key word you search on. So if you’d like to find where it was that Charles Clough referenced Queen Hatshepsut (for example), on the search page enter the key word(s) on the page and the search engine will find which lessons he mentioned those key word(s). Follow the directions on the Search page for additional options and information.
- The Course Notes for the Framework series have been upgraded to include a reference that ties the content to the appropriate lesson. Watch for the related lesson number in the “button” with the cyan text.
- Now available is the new 1 John series. We will be upgrading the series content with correct titles, slides, notes, and transcripts as we get time to assimilate that information. In the mean time we wanted to make the audio content of these lessons available for those of you who primarily make use of the audio files.
- Each series now has a podcast associated with it. Just click on the link to the podcast at the top of each series page in your web browser or on your mobile device and select the subscribe option. All lessons within that series will now be available on your device without you having to download them individually. You can download the Framework series in toto (all 224 lessons) or just the lessons within each Part.
- New items have been added to the course order form.
- The new website host should provide much more consistent access to the website and the lessons you desire to listen to when you want to access them, 24/7.
The website is still a work in process as we need to add transcripts for several series, but the majority of the content is ready for you to enjoy and aid you in your spiritual growth. We’d love to hear your feedback on the new site, especially issues you’re having with the site so we can address them and get them fixed. Please fill out the Contact Us form and let us know how we can improve the site. Your User Feedback is Needed! As we continue to upgrade the BFM website, we are at the point where we are asking those of you who have used the site in the past year or so for your input on features you would like to see. Our desire is to make the site as user friendly as possible. We are considering adding a “Frequently Asked Questions” (FAQ) section that would address questions about how to navigate and use the features of the site. We know there are many folks that use the site who are not super proficient with computers and don’t have readily available grandkids to ask how to navigate! For example, based upon user feedback we realize we need to provide additional information about the format of the CDs we offer. Repeatedly we hear from frustrated users that our CDs don’t work in their vehicles. Many enjoy listening to various audio lessons while commuting back and forth to work or traveling on various trips. The problem: all the audio files on the CDs are in the “mp3” format and do not play in the typical “music CD” equipment used for listening to audio CDs. The Framework CDs can be played on a player designed to play MP3 CDs in your car, which is different from your standard “music CD” player. Some listeners have devised work-arounds where they copy the mp3 files onto their smart phones or tablets and listen via Bluetooth through the speakers in their vehicles. Or, on their mobile device they sign up for the Framework podcast and listen through their car’s speakers. So we know there needs to be an explanation available at the point where folks order CDs. We’ve come up with some possible topics for the FAQ section:
- Where is the best place to begin study?
- How can I download files?
- What files are available for download?
- Why don’t you have more studies on specific books of the Bible?
- If I want to find a specific topic covered in the Framework series, how do I do that?
- Do you have plans to fill in the missing lessons in the Framework series?
- How do I access information related to the page numbers that are referenced throughout your lessons?
- If I contribute, will I receive receipts for income tax purposes?
- How can I ask a question about a topic or a problem with hearing a lesson?
- Are there plans to upgrade the Framework series with better notes and audio quality?
- Are there any plans to publish a print version of the Framework series?
- What is the status of the material to help parents teach their children the Framework?
- How do I unsubscribe from the newsletter?
- How do I subscribe to a podcast?
- How do I use the new search feature on the website?
- How do I order large quantities (i.e., over 25) of Framework materials?
What are we missing? Please send your suggestions to  |
Bayside Community Church Guest Speaker May 27, 2018 3333 Bayshore Blvd Tampa, FL 33629
Adult Sunday School 10 AM Worship Service 11AM
More Info
Biblical Basis of Marriage and Family Mini-Conference Fri - Sat, June 22-23, 2018 Hoffmantown Church 8888 Harper Dr. Albuquerque, NM 87111 live stream Teaching will be by a Chafer Theological Seminary team featuring Dr. Robby Dean, Dr. Andy Woods, and Charles Clough Special Online Presentation BFM Newsletter readers might also benefit from listening to the special presentations at the recent Chafer Seminary Pastors’ Conference on the Islamic worldview and strategy to conquer Europe and the US ideologically. From the Chafer Conferences page select 2018 CTS Conference.
Prayer Requests Praise the Lord for a successful upgrade to the BFM website and the ability to get these study materials into the hands of people around the world. |