Ministry notes During the past quarter, I have been engaged in three efforts. First, work continues on editing a 55-lesson course entitled Interlocked, designed for families and small study groups, that is based upon the Framework approach to the Bible. I have just finished lesson 40 and hope to be finished with all 55 lessons by year’s end. Shortly after the editing work is completed, it should become available from the Bible Framework Ministries website. Thankfully, the Wuhan virus (COVID 19) “episode,” by requiring so many younger students to attend their classes online at home, has been an eye-opening experience for parents. Now they see firsthand what government public school curricula are teaching their children about gender and American history. More parents are reluctantly concluding that they can no longer “contract out” responsibility for their children’s education to unelected government bureaucrats. Anti-Christian humanists have long told us that a 45-minute exposure to the Bible in Sunday schools once a week is no match for their control of children’s minds many hours a day for five days a week. They have been right. Their success we now see in streets of our major cities. I hope that Interlocked will become another tool for parents to stir some deeper thoughts about the Word of God in their children. In the previous newsletter I provided a sneak peek at some of the material included in Interlocked by giving you a link to a short quiz. Did you get a chance to take it? If not, here’s the link to access the quiz again. Plus, in this issue we’ve included the answers to the quiz. How well did you do? My pastor asked me to fill the pulpit for him while he and his wife took their annual vacation. Because of the widespread assault on God’s created structures for human society, my second effort this quarter was to address the drastic difference between the Judeo-Christian view of these structures. You may view these lessons at --> Other Lessons --> Divine Institutions. I think you will find this series helpful with understanding why our nation is so split apart now and what truths we need to emphasize in our own thinking and conversations with others. These lessons are available in video and audio formats. To aid your study of these lessons we’ve also included the slides and transcripts. We are also offering (free of charge) all three lessons on a single disk, which can be ordered through the Bible Framework website. This disk includes the video, audio, slide, and transcript files. A third effort arose this quarter as I resumed teaching “Christian Framework” at Chafer Theological Seminary. Because of the growing enrollment, the seminary has decided to utilize a learning management system (LMS). Many schools are now using LMS software packages to automate some of their online courses. Of course, every such new system requires a front-end learning curve by all users, including the faculty. Nevertheless, the Framework class this semester has the most students I have had in the past few years. As a supporter of this ministry please know that without your prayers, your use of the website materials, and your financial aid, this ministry could not continue to reach those in many countries who hunger for a deeper faith in the God of the Bible, especially the poor. Thank you.
Several contributors alerted us to an issue with our online donations through PayPal recently. We now have that issue resolved and can accept donations through PayPal again. We're so Thankful With the Thanksgiving season coming before our next newsletter we wanted to express our thanks to those who make this ministry possible.
- First of all, we’d like to thank you for supporting this ministry with your prayers and financial contributions.
There are also those who volunteer to give of themselves and their time to help this ministry in many ways unseen. At this time, we’d like to acknowledge the help of
- The logistics manager who faithfully produces, processes, and ships your CD/DVD orders.
- Our newsletter editor who gives of her time to make sure our quarterly newsletters get to you.
- The volunteer who is working on digitizing and cleaning up the audio from the original Framework tapes.
- Those who put in countless hours to transcribe the lessons available on this website.
- The ministry leadership who selflessly give of themselves and prayerfully seek divine wisdom and provision for the teachings we are able to bring to you.
- And, of course, the God of all grace who so richly blesses us with His Word and His grace.
“For all things are for your sakes, that grace, having spread through the many, may cause thanksgiving to abound to the glory of God,” 2 Corinthians 4:15  |