Ministry notes In my last quarter newsletter I mentioned two new projects I and the web site support personnel are working on: cleaning up the lessons on 1 John, and working my way through an ambitious illustrated course on the Framework by a couple from Singapore written for teenagers and adults. It is specially written so it can be read without much effort by those whose English is a second language. This simpler sentence structure should also make translating it into other languages easier. Work continues with these projects in addition to support for my local church and occasional speaking events. The upgrading of the 1 John series, as I explained in the previous newsletter, is to provide website users a forthright exposition of the doctrine of the Trinity. It is the doctrine of the Trinity that sets Christianity apart from all other religions yet a doctrine many believers hesitate to discuss with unbelievers. Not only does it form the core of the Christian faith, it also provides insight into cosmic themes: how the universe is designed, how we experience the flow of time in our lives, and how we humans interact with each other. When this 1 John project is complete, the website then will have a detailed exposition of a key book of the Old Testament and a key epistle of the New Testament using the Framework approach. Work on the second project has progressed to covering the entire Section Two of the Framework—creation, fall, flood, and (Noahic) covenant culminating with the Babel event. This printed course, tentatively called Interlocked, follows the Framework approach of deliberately contrasting biblical history with secular/pagan reconstructions of the past. The couple behind this course wanted a way of helping their teenage children cope with the avalanche of cultural foolishness masquerading as proven science and morally superior social justice. Here are some creative diagrams from the first module of the course to aid the discussions of biblical thought against pagan thought. The fundamental conflict between the Bible and paganism:  The ultimate choice of intellectual authority by believers in interpreting the world around us:  Setting up biblical truth for discussion of contemporary “choices” of one’s sexual orientation by denying that it is a mere matter of ethical traditions rather than how human beings have been created.  On another note, we continue ongoing discussions with users of the website from both the United States and other countries. Some share how the Framework approach has changed their lives and deepened their faith. Others seek clarification of some of the Framework topics and how these ideas interact with the common beliefs of their native cultural situations. Recently, a pastor friend of mine moved from a rural church to a church located close to a university campus where he anticipates using the Framework approach with college students. Over 35 years ago this pastor was himself a university student to whom I ministered an early version of the Framework approach that ignited his faith and eventually encouraged him to enter the pastoral ministry. All of this work on the projects and interaction with believers around the world who have discovered beauty of biblical truth would not be possible without your continuing prayers and financial aid. The Bible Framework team works with very little monetary remuneration so we can provide downloadable materials, CDs, and DVDs free to those who request them, trusting that those who are able will donate to the ministry.  BFM Web (In)sites We are amazed at how you are using the Bible Framework website. During 2019 unique visitors to the website have more than doubled, the number of visits to the website have nearly doubled, and you have downloaded nearly 2 TB (terabytes – or 2,000 GB) of files from the website. Those are some astounding numbers. Visitors most frequently come from the United States, Canada, Great Britain, Brazil, and Australia, and our outreach extends to many other nations around the world. One of the most popular features of the website is the podcasts, such as the podcast where visitors have downloaded the complete 224-lesson Bible Framework course (podcast URL included at the bottom of the linked page). We will be updating the 1 John podcast as we add additional lessons to the website. We are thrilled that you are utilizing the Bible Framework as a resource for studying of God’s gracious Word. Please let us know if we can assist you in your walk with the Lord through the Bible Framework website. |
Announcements Bayside Community Church Guest Speaker February 16, 2020 3333 Bayshore Blvd, Tampa, FL 33629, Adult Sunday School 10 AM, Worship Service 11 AM Chafer Seminary Pastors’ Conference March 9-11, 2020 West Houston Bible Church, 1500 West Sam Houston Parkway, N. Suite 104, Houston, TX 77043 Special emphasis upon what true biblical worship looks like with in-depth exposition of some of the Psalms that we know are the lyrics of ancient Israel’s temple worship. Additionally, there will be lectures on the structure of music and how to select worship-enhancing music. Live stream will be available as well as archived presentations. Throughout Spring 2020 I’ll be working on updates for the Bible Framework Ministries website as well as the illustrated course for families. Prayer Requests For continued exposure of the BFM website to the global community For wisdom in creating new materials for the site For continued financial support that the teaching materials can be used by the poor particularly in third world countries. |