Upgrades to the BFM Website In the Bible Framework newsletter for last quarter we discussed the new Bible Framework website and the new resources available. Over the last few months the folks working in our Houston office have been busy doing upgrades to the BFM website. Here are some of the accomplishments so far. Missing Lessons “Have Been Found” This quarter we want to make you aware that the lessons missing from the series (Lessons #26, 63, 87, 92, 103, 177, 183) are now available. Charles Clough has rerecorded those lessons and they are now accessible on the website, along with their transcripts. Why don’t you listen to one of those you haven’t heard today?
Updated DVDs and CDs We’ve also updated the DVDs and CDs for the Bible Framework to add the new lessons, including MP3 audio files, transcripts, and Course Notes for Part 2. Order these free updated DVDs and CDs today, or access/download the files from the website. Oops! Orders Placed in May … If you placed an online order during the May 2018, please resubmit your order if you haven’t received your materials. We had a software glitch and many of the orders did not come through. Our apologies for any inconvenience this has caused. Future Plans for the Bible Framework In our continuing efforts to upgrade the Bible Framework series, we are requesting your help to let us know where you find material that is unclear, needs to be brought up to date, or is inaccurate. We have added a form to the website for you to submit your suggestions/comments.
It would be helpful if you tell us the lesson number, the time marker on the lesson’s audio file, and/or include the text from the paragraph(s) from the transcript. Also please let us know your proposed edit to the material. We’d like to know if:
- the explanation is unclear;
- the material is out of date;
- there is an error in fact or logic;
- there is a missing or incorrect Scripture reference;
- something else needs to be revised.
Additionally, we are trying to improve the Bible Framework series in another way. Currently we have a volunteer in California who is working on enhancing the audio quality of the current lessons. This is a huge undertaking and he needs your prayers. He’s had all sorts of difficulties to overcome in getting the project off the ground. Please pray that the equipment and software he has will function as needed and that he is able to get the “volunteer time” he needs to work on this project.  |
Announcements September 1-3 (Labor-Day weekend) “Our Relationship with God in 2018: Estranged or Intimate? A Study of the Character of God as Revealed vs. How Our Neo-Pagan Culture Imagines It to be” North Stonington Bible Church 100D Jeremy Hill Rd North Stonington, CT 06359 (860) 535-2872 October 19-21 “An Overview of the Bible Framework” Grace Bible Church 2939 Country Rd Cx Portage, WI 53901 (608) 742-5090 Fall Semester at Chafer Theological Seminary Framework 1 online course (3 credit hours) https://www.chafer.edu/ Seminary Office: (505) 858-8639 Chafer Theological Seminary P. O. Box 93580 Albuquerque, NM 87199 NOTE: Few Christians in our conservative Bible-centered churches today realize the urgent need to be training a few spiritually-gifted people within their congregations at a level capable of meeting the serious challenges of a rapidly paganizing culture. Due to cultural and economic reasons well-trained pastors and teachers have become scarce in recent years. At best, churches who lose their pastor or senior teachers are increasingly facing long, agonizing searches for the “right” ones for them. At worst, they face the demise of their traditional Bible-centered ministries. Chafer Seminary has gone to great lengths to find advanced degreed scholars with real pastoral and/or missionary experience willing to teach for little or no compensation. The seminary partners with local churches who want to follow the Paul/Timothy model (2 Tim 2:2).
Prayer Requests • For the website manager as she manages the continuing upgrades to the website. • For equipment reliability (both for her, me and the volunteer who is starting the massive job of redoing all of the audio files). • For Charlie's time management to get 1 John series ready for the website alongside teaching the Framework course at Chafer Seminary. • For exposure of the website to those who are seeking more confidence in their faith. • For Charlie's time to study to prepare messages, for his health, and wisdom in developing his messages • For Chafer Seminary, Charlie’s leadership, and for young people to see the need for the kind of training Chafer offers. |