Ministry notes Contemporary Events For the last three months we’ve all been besieged with COVID-19 headlines. Therefore, I won’t add to your fatigue with any extended commentary. A simple Framework-based response would be something like this: (1) the creation event and accompanying revelation in the Bible reveals God’s design for every existing thing including viruses, that is, viruses originally had a benign function throughout the created order; (2) the fall event informs us that the original creation design has been disordered due to God’s judgment upon us as the disobedient under-lords over nature—responsibility for death and disorder, including virus mutations and whatever evil bio-engineering night have occurred lies with us, not with our Creator; and (3) the biblical covenants and prophetic announcements that are only found in the Bible commit God to specific obligations including total redemption of creation for those who respond to His gracious invitation to trust Him and the finished work of His Son on the Cross. If we view advancing history from the standpoint of biblically revealed divine providence, we can observe a trend over the last century or two toward a global consciousness. The “war to end all wars” (World War I) was felt by all nations. The economic devastation of the Depression had worldwide impact. World War II, with the advent of nuclear weapons, brought a newly experienced soberness to international relations. And now this mutant and/or engineered virus has forced people in every nation to radically modify their social behavior. Such a global consciousness of our common humanity is prophetically foreseen as the background for both the Anti-Christ’s future failing attempt to establish a world order and the returning Lord Jesus Christ who will establish His kingdom rule over the entire globe. Praise Item According to the Bible Framework Ministries (BFM) website tracking statistics, the average number of pages viewed per month so far this year has more than doubled over last year. This is a result of your prayers and gifts as people around the world are searching for answers to the basic questions of life. The number of unique visitors to the BFM website has risen by over 270% from the same period last year. The number of website pages viewed has nearly tripled. Visitors have downloaded nearly 700 GBytes of information from the website—that’s a lot of MP3 audio files being downloaded throughout the world, including the USA, Canada, Singapore, Great Britain, Australia, and remote sites in Africa. A Peek at Coming Attractions As you know from our previous newsletter, I have been busy editing a 55-lesson course for families and small study groups based upon the Framework approach to the Bible called Interlocked. I have just finished the last lesson in the Old Testament. This last lesson (Lesson #31) is a challenge to readers to think about what they have learned so far through this course. Basic knowledge of the Old Testament, missing too often among contemporary evangelicals, is crucial to see the foundation under the New Testament. How well do you know the concepts taught in “the Framework”? Take this short quiz to test your knowledge. Click here to view two pages taken from Interlocked Lesson #31. The first page (“Lessons from the Old Testament”) lists the key events covered in the Framework. The second page lists the major subject revealed in each event (“Use these options to fill in the blanks”). See if you can match them! Answers to be revealed in the next BFM Newsletter.  |
Announcements Fellowship Chapel Main Speaker July 5, 12, 19, 2020 3821 Federal Hill Rd. Jarrettsville, MD 21084 410-459-3367 Camp Arete July 15, 2020 Zoom Video Session Topic of preparing for adult life in a post-Christian culture Bayside Community Church Guest Speaker August 9, 2020 (either live or video) 3333 Bayshore Blvd, Tampa, FL 33629, Adult Sunday School 10 AM, Worship Service 11 AM Liberty University Fall 2020 Semester A lecture with an open Question and Answer session and a few class presentations Prayer Requests For continued exposure of the Bible Framework website to the global community. For clear, biblical thinking during the development and editing of Interlocked Lessons 32-55 and being able to complete this editing work by this coming Fall. For preparing for teaching the Framework 1 and Framework 2 classes at Chafer Theological Seminary this coming Fall and Spring semesters. For the volunteer staff work on website maintenance and upgrade and on filling incoming requests for materials. For adequate financial support for our website lady and various ministry expenses so that teaching materials can be available free for the poor, particularly in third-world countries. |