I’ve been wondering why I haven’t received a Biblical Framework newsletter for a while … Over the past year Charles has experienced some health issues so he has not been able to write the quarterly newsletter. His latest health issue dealt with his heart. So what happened to Charles and his heart? There are two types of “heart failure”—ischemic and nonischemic. Ischemic heart failures are the classic “heart attacks” like Houston Pastor Rev. Dunn recently had, which are due to blood clots and associated obstructions to blood flow to the heart. The heart can’t get enough oxygen and so goes into a life-threatening “shut down.” Treatment includes installation of stents and clot-clearing strategies. Nonischemic heart myopathy is the kind I have in which the “ejection fraction” of the heart drops from 50–70% to, in my case, 30%. This loss of “heart power” is due to a weakened heart muscle and “leaky” heart valves. Sometimes such leaky heart valves can be surgically repaired. But my leaky valve is in a central area of major blood flow that cannot be surgically repaired (too life-threatening). Treatment includes an extended exposure to a selected set of experimental medications that have a reasonable probability of strengthening heart muscle. In spite of being in the hospital only 4-½ days, I am amazed at how weak my muscles became. A home nursing team regularly visits our house and is guiding me through an increasingly rigorous set of exercises. Now that I think back on how I’ve been increasingly tired after teaching, I see that my situation was slowly building. It was only 2–3 years ago that I had to stop my seven Labor Day addresses at North Stonington, CT. So that is why I have cancelled future travel engagements to focus on researching and developing four to six lessons that I plan on recording at our local church with high-quality video, audio, and slides. These lessons will be the “missing” Part 1 of the Biblical Framework series, currently entitled “The Bible Framework Strategy,” replacing the lessons that are currently available in Part 1 of the Biblical Framework. I’d like to give you some idea of a new focus on the authority of Scripture in every area of life. So here is a draft of a 3-minute address to our local school board to show their total disregard for the anti-Christian origin of the present-day subjective identity theory embedded in every area of the school curricula from the LGBTQ to Trans issue. Maryland’s Department of Education with its total capitulation to subjective theories of personal identity either never carefully researched where these ideas came from, or, if they did such research, deliberately chose to follow the Freudian view that personal identity arises from one’s sexual desires and gendered object. To build state educational identity policy on Freud means that Freud’s known hatred of the biblical category of man being made in God’s image, male and female, an objective identity methodology, no longer is acceptable. Not acceptable to you, but a required, undeniable part of any biblically informed teacher and parent. Both parties involved here face the situation of an irresistible force meeting an immovable object. Neither side can yield. We can only look for a series of legal challenges to the state policy. For those who are interested in the background of this issue, I recommend Dr. Rosaria Champagne Butterfield’s Openness Unhindered: Further Thoughts of an Unlikely Convert on Sexual Identity and Union with Christ. With her PhD in Queer studies and former leader of LGBTQ studies at the university level, Dr. Butterfield has been a wonderful informant on the tactics and worldview of the LGBTQ and Trans policies that public school systems are cramming down the throat of parents. In my forthcoming introduction to the Biblical Framework, I will delve into such undiscussed subjects as political salvation vs. biblical salvation, God-honoring views of mathematics vs. idolatrous views that retarded mathematic development and scientific advancement. Stay tuned … Bible Framework web (in)sites We are greatly anticipating the recording and production of Charles’ new messages for the Introduction to the Biblical Framework (Part 1). Please pray for Charles to have the strength and wisdom to put this information together and make it available via video and audio. Over the next month we’ll be adding a couple of new series to the Bible Framework Applied website based on several of Charles’ recent messages. Topics include "The Incarnation" and "The Christian Citizen". We are always willing to take your suggestions on how we can improve the Biblical Framework websites (both www.bibleframework.org and www.bibleframeworkapplied.org). Please provide your inputs on the Update Requests form.  |
Prayer Requests Bible Framework Part 1: For Charles to formulate new features in the first section of the original Bible Framework series that will help users grasp the key features of the Framework approach to the Bible. Charles’ health: Please be in prayer for continued improvement in Charles’ health and that he can gain strength and stamina in the coming days. Also for the time and ability to research the materials he needs to develop the Bible Framework Part 1. |