Please complete all required fields! Bible Framework Update Requests In our continuing efforts to upgrade the Bible Framework series, we are requesting your help to let us know where you find material that is either unclear, needs to be brought up to date, or is inaccurate. It will help us speed up our work if you would please tell us where in a particular lesson you think we need to make a correction. Please mention the place in the transcript where you believe there is an error by giving us the text of the paragraph its in. Or, you can tell us the time marker (the minutes and seconds) into the lesson’s MP3 audio where it occurs. Your full name(*) Please provide your name. Your e-mail address(*) Please provide a valid e-mail address. Lesson number(*) Invalid Input MP3 time marker Invalid Input Subject(*) Make general commentExplanation is unclearMaterial is out of dateError in fact or logicMissing / Incorrect Scripture referenceOther Invalid Input Paragraph from the transcript Invalid input Proposed edit to the material(*) Invalid Input captcha(*) Invalid Input Submit Clear