Why are we late with this 3rd quarter newsletter? Two unforeseen events occurred to me that unexpectedly required hours of immediate attention. These were the kind of things that occasionally happen to Christian ministries. The first event happened in the third week of August when my bank’s Security Department reported very suspicious entries in my family checking account. They promptly locked our checking account from all activity, and a week or so later created a new checking account for us. It took many hours of my time over a period of five weeks to get through to a human at each of my bill payees and have them switch to the new account. The second unforeseen event occurred in mid-September when the pastor of our local church in Jarrettsville, Maryland decided to retire after 33 years of ministry with us. For years his wife had been a nurse at the county public school system. She had signed her contract for 2022–2023 school year only to be told that she would have to supervise a dormitory now open to both boys and girls for overnight sessions at a school environmental campsite. She rightfully refused and lost her job as so many Christians have lost their jobs for similar reasons. So, instead of the planned retirement one year from now, they retired right away. I relate these two events to thank you all for your continued prayers for this ministry. I also mention them to warn you that cybercrimes are happening more and more as the influence of the Judeo-Christian revelation wains and paganism resurges. Be careful! Also, you might check with your local church leadership to see whether they have a strategy in place in case your pastor has a serious health problem or retires. Report on our Vice President's (Jeff Phipps) mission to northern Brazil We continue to work hard in Brazil in our mission to reach the growing church there with the transformative power of God’s Word. On every trip, we make contact with a new local church that is open to verse-by-verse teaching. There is humility among these Brazilian believers and hunger for sound Bible teaching. This is a very exciting opportunity and time for the Body of Christ there. Brazil is not without its challenges. The Body of Christ has many difficulties related to syncretism. In the past, Spiritism, Voodoo, and Bantu have been practiced. Charismatic churches are rife with their influence. These cultural influences have resulted in a strong influence of mysticism across all evangelical churches. There is also the issue of idolatry that comes with Catholicism, where saints are venerated and worshipped. This can lead to putting Jesus on the mantle as just another saint to be worshipped. Although the church is breaking free of these trappings, consistent, sound Bible teaching is lacking. It is our approach to all of these problems to teach verse-by-verse and to integrate specific lessons from the Bible Framework into our plans. In our effort to edify the body of Christ there, the Framework teaching has been an invaluable resource and antidote. We would like to ask for your prayers for these issues as well as for the financial resources necessary to translate the Framework derivative, Interlocked, into Portuguese. We would also like to ask for your prayers for our upcoming Pastors’ Conference in Natal, Brazil in December as well. Sound Bible-teaching churches are growing. It is becoming increasingly popular among pastors, church leaders, and most importantly, congregations, to teach verse-by-verse. God’s Word is powerful. God’s Word changes lives! It continues to be our focus. Bible Framework web (in)sites Charles has rerecorded Bible Framework lesson #96 for a much-improved user listening experience. Based on a user suggestion, the Course Notes for the Bible Framework have been revised. The page numbers (shown at the top of the Acrobat PDF application) now reflect the page numbers on the pages. For example, in Part 2, page 14 in the PDF is now associated with the page numbered 14 in the document, not the 14th page of the PDF. Please let us know your suggestions on how we can make the Bible Framework materials easier for you to use and access. The content of the flash/thumb/USB drives (mentioned in the Prayer Requests above) is also available for download from the two websites. These are large ZIP files that contain all of the materials on the Bible Framework flash/thumb drive or Bible Framework Applied flash/thumb drive, if you’d like quick access to the content and/or would like to create your own flash/thumb drive to distribute to other believers. Interlocked – The Bible Framework derivative designed for teenagers – is now available in English, Spanish, and German, with a Portuguese version currently under development. Amos and Jen Kwok have also developed Interlocked Children’s Edition, for children around 10–12 years old and as young as 7. The Kwoks have also created Come and See – a 12-session evangelistic presentation of the main message of the Bible. It was designed for those who want to explore what the Bible says about who God is—His revelation and claims about Himself; for those seeking to find out more about Christianity.  |
Announcements Bayside Community Church Guest Speaker November 6, 2022 3333 Bayshore Blvd, Tampa, FL 33629, Adult Sunday School 10 AM, Worship Service 11 AM At our local church, Jarrettsville Fellowship Chapel, I will be doing a team teaching on 1 John 1:1–2:11 with a younger man eager to prepare and teach. I thought that by having an old guy and a young guy team teach it would illustrate why local Bible churches need to plan on “passing the baton” to the younger generation. If we don’t, our churches will soon die off. The exact time of this ministry is yet to be decided but probably will be during December and January. See Sermon Directory - Fellowship Chapel on our church website for the schedule and recordings. 31st Annual Pre-Trib Study Group conference December 5-7, 2022 at the Sheraton-Grand Hotel—DFW Airport, Irving, Texas The ministry will be represented with a display table. Please stop by and say hello if you’re also attending. Prayer Requests Bible Framework Part 1: For me to formulate new features in the first section of the original Bible Framework series that will help users grasp the key features of the Framework approach to the Bible. Framework Staff: For the folks in the West Houston Bible Church who work continuously to manage the Bible Framework website issues, respond to orders for the many series available, and order the necessary supplies. This year they have worked hard to make the entire Bible Framework and Bible Framework Applied materials available on single flash/thumb/USB drives in addition to the traditional sets of multiple DVDs and CDs. All Bible Framework materials are available for ordering free of charge. Christian Framework: Charles would appreciate your prayer support for his teaching of “Christian Framework” at Chafer Seminary. He is currently teaching part 1, with part 2 being offered in the Spring semester. |