Chapter 5 – The Destiny of the Church

Nov 2002 - May 2003

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Sermons in this series
Thu, Mar 13, 2003
Duration: 1 hr 0 mins 31 secs
The mid-tribulation Rapture view. The uniqueness of the Tribulation period. Evaluating the three key assertions of the mid-tribulation view. The pre-tribulation Rapture view. Accomplishments of the pre-tribulation position.
Thu, Mar 06, 2003
Duration: 1 hr 2 mins 1 sec
How each Tribulation position attempts to immunize the church from “the wrath of God.” All the judgments in the Tribulation represent “the wrath of God.” Problems with the ¾ Tribulation view. The mid-tribulation Rapture view.
Thu, Feb 27, 2003
Duration: 1 hr 20 mins 5 secs
Relating the story of Israel and the story of the church to the end of history. Problems with the ¾ Tribulation position. Questions and answers.
Thu, Feb 20, 2003
Duration: 1 hr 23 mins 46 secs
The Rapture of the church. The purpose of the Tribulation. Israel’s worldwide blessing, past and future. Problems with post-tribulationism. The ¾ tribulation position. Defining “the wrath of God.” Questions and answers.