Chapter 5 – The Destiny of the Church

Nov 2002 - May 2003

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Sermons in this series
Thu, Jan 09, 2003
Duration: 1 hr 30 mins 6 secs
Man chose to fall while in a sinless environment, revealing that sin’s causes are not environmental. The New Covenant with Israel. Church history. Clarifying what the church is and is not. The future of the church. Preterism. Questions and answers.
Thu, Dec 12, 2002
Duration: 1 hr 28 mins 5 secs
You will not understand the prophecies of the Bible if you do not understand the distinction between Israel and the church. Metaphors for childbirth used in prophecy related to the Kingdom. The terms “Day of the Lord,” “Jacob’s Trouble,” and “Daniel’s 70th Week.” The “Tribulation.” Questions and answers.
Tue, Dec 10, 2002
Duration: 1 hr 2 mins 59 secs
History is a sequence of things that refute man’s excuses and displays man’s depravity. The final milestones of Israel. Resurrection is either to damnation or blessing and is fixed forever, without conversion. Themes common to the church. The Rapture of the church.
Thu, Nov 21, 2002
Duration: 1 hr 20 mins 48 secs
Understanding how Israel functions in history. Israel’s physical and spiritual deliverance. How Old Testament prophets administered the Word of God. Rib proceedings. Technology from the antediluvian civilization. The “glory of God” means that God is concerned with His reputation. Questions and answers.