Thu, Feb 28, 2002
Duration: 1 hr 20 mins 4 secs
The works (acts) God the Father causes to come about on behalf of every Church Age believer. If there were not a personal sovereign God, there would be no personal human responsibility. Foreknowledge. Predestination. Calling. Justification. Glorification. Cleansing. God gives different amounts of revelation to different people, in different places, at different times in history. God’s sovereignty over evil and good is applied asymmetrically. Questions and answers.
Thu, Feb 21, 2002
In saving man, God’s absolute holiness is protected through the substitutionary, finished work of Christ. Every other religion on earth compromises God’s holiness. The intercessionary chain, concerning the church, between the Members of the Godhead. God is the personal, ultimate, final cause of all things. The concept of causation means something different for the creature than the Creator. God’s foreknowledge. Questions and answers.
Thu, Feb 14, 2002
Duration: 1 hr 2 mins 31 secs
Positional truth. The core issue of the Reformation. God the Father is the ultimate speaker; God the Son is the message spoken; and God the Holy Spirit is the implementation of the message. Resurrection. [Brief Q&A inserted into the lesson: What is eternal life? The Apostle John introduced the idea that eternal life is a present reality for the believer.] Jesus Christ’s priestly intercession.
Thu, Feb 07, 2002
Duration: 1 hr 24 mins 30 secs
The positional truth unique to the Church Age. Things common to every Christian that give meaning and purpose and reveal the content of God’s plan: imputed righteousness; we share in Christ’s resurrection. Questions and answers.