Thu, Feb 08, 2001
Duration: 1 hr 17 mins 52 secs
The verb for “fulfilled” is sometimes used, in Scripture, as a platform or analogy and does not always refer to prophecy. The ultimate purpose of history is doxological, not redemptive. “If life in the resurrected state has a purpose, goals must exist beyond salvation.” Israel and the church are two distinct and separate peoples of God. Dispensational Theology and Reformed Theology have differences regarding the nature and mission of the church. Historic fruits of dispensationalism. Questions and answers.
Thu, Feb 01, 2001
Duration: 1 hr 16 mins 11 secs
(Promises) Dispensational theology. Dispensationalism carries the Protestant Reformation one more step: into the area of eschatology. Dispensational theology was the dominating force in the modern missionary movement. The structure of dispensationalism. Dispensationalism emphasizes a literal interpretation of the biblical covenants. Dispensationalism believes the ultimate purpose of history is doxological, not redemptive. Dispensational theology starts with the Old Testament and works forward to the New Testament. Questions and answers.
Thu, Jan 25, 2001
Duration: 1 hr 21 mins 53 secs
Reformed and dispensational theology. Reformed Theology kept some Roman Catholic practices and elements of Catholic theology. An example of how Reformed Theology attempts to attack premillennialism. The issue is how you think about faith. The effects of Covenant Theology. Covenant theology inductively creates two generic covenants, which are not stated in Scripture, above all the biblical covenants that are stated in Scripture. Reformed Theology has frozen the 16th and 17th century level of theology into permanent creeds and established unique rules for biblical interpretation. Questions and answers.
Thu, Jan 18, 2001
Duration: 1 hr 30 mins 52 secs
(Promise - Romans 8:32) The Bible doesn’t view faith as weak knowledge. The reformers advanced some elements of theology and froze some others in place. A point-by-point analysis of the acrostic TULIP. To “set aside one’s beliefs” is to adopt other beliefs. For Calvin, “because one has assurance of salvation, one can walk by faith” (relies on the perseverance of God rather than that of the believer). Questions and answers.