Before he passed off the scene, Israel’s human founder Moses wanted every Israelite to understand the relationship between God and their special nation. This long (74-lesson) series expounds what we moderns refer to as “social justice”—not from a Marxist, Muslim, Socialist, or Libertarian perspective—but from the perspective of God as He “interfered” with ancient near-eastern culture of the 15th century BC.

Divine revelation touched every aspect of social life including crime control, economics, education, family welfare, foreign relations, labor management, public health, and taxation.

One can trace the profound effect of Moses’ sermons upon common law and political concepts throughout subsequent history. But the core message centers on the prerequisite of a just society: the heart that freely expresses its ultimate allegiance to God. When faced with Satan’s temptations Jesus relied upon key passages in Deuteronomy.

So will we if we are wise.

**Please note that there is a navigation bar at the bottom of each page that enables you to go to the next page for additional lessons in the series.

To listen to the Deuteronomy series as a podcast, copy and paste the following URL into your podcast software:

Seven audio Lessons taught at Duluth Bible Church, February 2001

As this “culture war” heats up in the USA, Bible-believing Christians need to be very sure of their foundation in the Word of God.

This teaching will promote a New Testament-based strategy of confident engagement of the increasing pagan beliefs in our nation.

To listen to the Not Ashamed of the Gospel series as a podcast, copy and paste the following URL into your podcast software:

Seven-part Labor Day Conference series at North Stonington Bible Church on September 1-3, 2012

This seven-part Labor Day series encompasses the task of Bible-believing citizens to think through and intelligently act upon our citizenship responsibilities rather than resort to either misguided non-participation or shallow emotional responses. Ten core biblical truths provide the foundation.

Biblical law reveals true social justice, and only biblical grace can fulfill it in both the visible and invisible realms.

Biblical citizenship uniquely projects salt and light while avoiding both naive triumphalism and paralyzing despair.

To listen to the Law, Grace, & Citizenship series as a podcast, copy and paste the following URL into your podcast software:

Brooks Shertzer shares his experience of engaging about the Bible with faculty at Loyola University in Baltimore

Brooks Shertzer, a student at Loyola University in Baltimore, shares some significant encounters with the faculty at the university, a campus that proudly claims to be Roman Catholic.

Brooks, though generally quiet and always courteous, is well-grounded in the Word of God and not at all reticent to challenge his professors when they spew forth ridicule of the Bible. Usually he is quite alone in the classes, as far as receiving any support from classmates. Yet, after some of his in-class challenges to the professors, some classmates have come to him with interest in what he dared to say out loud (when they were too intimidated to say anything).

Seven-part Labor Day Conference series at North Stonington Bible Church on September 3-4, 2016

Using Romans 12:1-2 as the theme, this seven-part Labor Day series deals with how to avoid being “conformed to this age” by having our minds “transformed.” Paul’s warning certainly applies to Bible-believing Christians living in our increasingly hostile culture—a culture using the secular public schools, the media, and government leadership to forcefully, continually and ubiquitously mold U.S. population into suppressing God in every important area of life.

As this new series moves from Creation to the conquest, I point to specific cultural agendas, that by substituting fictional counter-notions, seek to suppress what God shows about Himself in each event.

I also cite by number the exact PowerPoint slide I am using so you can refer to the accompanying slide as you listen to the audio.

Included in this series is the complete handout for note-taking. I hope you will feel less intimidated when you see the flimsy foundations under these fictional substitutes for biblical revelation. May you be encouraged to see the corresponding strength of the Word of God at each point—strength you can rely upon to remain faithful to our Lord!

To listen to the Keeping Faithful to Our Lord in a Growing Hostile Culture series as a podcast, copy and paste the following URL into your podcast software: