It's time to derive your worldview from the Bible

Rather than reading the Bible through the eyes of modern secularism, this provocative six-part course teaches you to read the Bible through its own eyes—as a record of God’s dealing with the human race. When you read it at this level, you will discover reasons to worship God in areas of life you probably never before associated with “religion.”

by Charles Clough
Apart from the Scriptures, there is no absolute reference point for values, ethics, and law. The Mosaic Law’s object was to address the heart then, secondarily, social behavior. The free grace and lordship salvation views. Characteristics of revelation. Revelation is verbal, not a feeling. Revelation is personal, a message from a personal God. Revelation does not happen all the time. Questions and answers.
Series:Chapter 4 – Mt. Sinai: The Disruptive Truth of God’s Absolute, Comprehensive Rule of Law
Duration:1 hr 11 mins 20 secs